Barcode Inspection

BarProof verifes, decodes, and grades Barcodes and 2D Codes.

Make sure you have the right barcodes

Avoid costly product recalls and the liabilities they can cause. 


BarProof features:

- bar width reduction measurement

- barcode magnification measurement

- grade each barcode according to CEN/ANSI/ISO standards

- color coded  pass / fail reporting for barcodes

- 21 CFR Part 11 / EMA Annex 11 compliant 

Verify barcode functionality

Check all barcodes in your packaging, even with digital artwork files. 


BarProof decodes & verifies:


- Codabar

- Code 11

- Code 39

- Code 128

- Interleaved 2 of 5

- Pharma Code

- RSS-14

- RSS-14 Stacked

- RSS-Expanded

- RSS-Expanded Stacked

- RSS-Limited

- EAN/UPC (13 Digits)

- EAN/UPC (8 Digits)




- Telepen

- DataMatrix

- MicoQR